Mamie W. Johnson
The book, “The Audacity of Caring” was written to help caregivers as much as possible. The plight of a caregiver is not easy. An effective caregiver needs to hone qualities of compassion and interpersonal skills in order to relate to the loved one’s discomfort and to develop a trusting relationship.

Know about the author
Mamie W. Johnson
Mamie’s early years in Longview, Texas were marked by childhood illness, but with the support of her loving family, dedicated doctors, and unwavering faith, she triumphed over adversity at the age of 14 & as a result of her healing she gave her life to Christ. Today, she embraces her healing with gratitude and gives back generously. In retrospect, she shares her journey of caring in different ways: devoted wife, a teacher in HISD, while rearing her grandson from infancy; moving from selfishness to selflessness when saving the life of a former football player; taught piano and voice lessons to students who later pursued their dreams in the musical realm: with one renowned opera singer, piano student degreed in music from University of Houston and Ministers of Music in the Texas area. Before writing and publishing her book, “The Audacity of Caring”, she was always helping others to understand that caregiving is a means to an end. Frankly sharing that it may not be enjoyable, but it is what one considers to be necessary to suffer through in order to accomplish his or her real goals. LOVE CONQUERS ALL!!! By the grace and mercy of God and the awesome and unconditional loving care her parents gave her, she developed that same kind of awesomeness of showing love and care for others. What a trajectory for her life…A LIFE WITH PURPOSE!!! Remember, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Luke 6:31 commonly known as “The Golden Rule” Matthews 7:12. CAREGIVERS MATTER!!!

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About Book
The Audacity of caring
You might be thinking “I Can Only Imagine” 🎶🎵, but that’s nothing if it’s just a thought of what it would be like to be a caregiver.
The book, “The Audacity of Caring” was written to help caregivers as much as possible. The plight of a caregiver is not easy. An effective caregiver needs to hone qualities of compassion and interpersonal skills in order to relate to the loved one’s discomfort and to develop a trusting relationship.
There are times when a caregiver may feel drained, both physically and emotionally, and overwhelmed, with challenges never experienced or even imagined. You must have that compelling drive, ‘the audacity’ to embark and persevere on such a sacrificial journey…so important!!!
It’s that profound challenge to get up every new day and face the new challenges with

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