About The Author

Hear From The Author

Mamie W. Johnson

“…A Need To Know…!” Ejjr
Every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning James 1:17 KJV

Life, relatable and as real as it is, seems so unfair at times. There’s a feeling of mutual testament of just how unfair life really can be, but when we look through the lens of gratitude, there is that ‘with-out-a-doubt’ spirit of unadulterated joy and happiness that one can share unselfishly as you pour happiness into the lives of others. As difficult as it is and may seem, choose to be happy in spite of your circumstances.

Sometimes it’s not about how happy we can be, but how much happiness we can bring to others. In my book about “CARING”, I share experiences that are real, relatable and sacrificial. It is not a time to feel sorry for yourself especially if you have a sound mind; reasonable health and strength and the activity of your limbs…hey…there it is…God’s gift, of unconditional love, compassion, grace and HIS ‘fresh EVERY morning’ mercy, that keeps you being that someone to live and give no matter what!!!

Luke 12:48..”For unto whom much is given, of him shall be much required.”

Live a purposeful life when your life is up or down, good or not so good, fair or not at all fair!!! Remember how it used to be, but facing realistically of how things are now, find that balance of gratefulness for the memories that once brought joy and happiness in your life,,, and soar!

🎵Be Grateful for the things that HE has done..🎶.be grateful for the victories HE’S won….can you go on and on and on about HIS works…? 🎵

LOVE and LOVE and keep on LOVING…GIVE and GIVE and keep on GIVING…

BE GRATEFUL and live a God-Given Life with Purpose

With God’s help…It Can and Will Happen!



(M.Ed., Author)

Mamie W. Johnson

“Mamie was born in Longview, Texas to the proud and loving parents, Gertrude and Herman Wilson, Sr.

She was the third child of three children. At an early age, Mamie faced childhood illness but was not alone. With God’s help, doctor’s care, and her family’s love and support, she grew out of her illness at the age of 14. God blessed her with the healing and she has grown in her faith and is giving back to ‘Him’ her given gifts for the Life, He Has Given Her.”

Family Life

“Later on in Life, another baby girl was born into the family, making 4 siblings – 3 girls and 1 boy . The girls thought they were dominant but their brother kept solid ground making that an untruth!

Each one of the children were encouraged to be the best that one could be in any and all endeavors. They prayed, ate, and worshipped as a family. Their parents were always nurturing them in such traits as how to:  get alone; trust;  … (the foundation of all other traits); be patient (good things come to those who wait); be responsible; understand and share feelings of others as well as among themselves; be self-reliant and pray and believe in God. As other siblings ventured out, Mamie started playing piano at the age of 6 because she wanted to play while her mother directed the choir and other siblings participated. She also played for a Church on the out skirts of Longview when she was a junior in high school. Honing her, musical skills of unlimited genre of music, Mamie loves country music, Jazz and most importantly, gospel music that the family always enjoyed together.”

Major Accomplishments

Interesting Facts

“She believes in making the impossible… possible!! Nurtures her faith by reading, studying and living by the WORD.”